Sunday, July 6, 2008

So I'm just going...

I'm just going to do two posts because I'm too lazy to scroll down and click the edit button. Oh, well. Yeah for you all, you get two updates!

I watched Doctor Who. It took FOREVER, because the video kept getting out of sync, so I'm going to have to watch it all over again at some point just to get the real thing. Of course, I'll watch it again for no reason too. But, at the end of the episode, I was confused on my feelings about it. So I went and took a short walk and figured out that I am indeed heartbroken over the episode. I mean, I feel like I've been jipped...and it's just a TV show!

Of course, for those of you who don't watch Doctor Who, you'll be utterly confused and this won't make any sense to you. But, I feel like I've lost someone close to me, or at least to that extent. It was an amazing episode, but...

Well, Anan-san drove by me on his way to pick up our two new guests from an onsen up the ways a little (by where Dave is going to work) and he picked me up. I think I'm going to help Okaa-san with dinner, because I can't sit here and think about Doctor Who some more.

I think we might be doing a BBQ again though. I'm not quite sure.

Update: So last night, we did indeed go to a BBQ. At the same people's house that I ate raw seafood at. Except this time (after I prepared myself for fish, fish, and fish) it was meat! Oh, glorious, glorious meat! There was some fish, and I ate trout and salmon, but only a little. I also ate part of a scallop and oyster. It's funny to get Japanese people to say scallop.

They all kept asking me about fish and why my family and I don't eat it. I just shrugged. I mean, I just don't like it. Why don't they eat it? I don't know. Becaue there are better things to eat? Maybe? They asked about crabs and I do eat those so I said yes. They were just having the hardest time grasping it (again...) because Florida is surrounded by water! I just laughed with them. Okaa-san said it's just because I'm a child. When I'm an adult, she said, I'll like it. I shook my head and said no...politely.

I wanted to get back because I was tired and needed to shower, but we stayed there until midnight. Gah! I did get a nice message from their message chair. And they finally realized how tall I was. I hit my head on the screen door because I didn't duck enough, and then when I was sitting with my knees bent on a high-stool chair, one of the guests there pointed to my legs and came over to see how he compared. I stood up and I TOWERED over him. He just started laughing and shaking his head. It was kind of amusing. 

I think Okaa-san had a little too much to drink, but she seems fine now. It's raining, and it suppossed to be raining all week, so who knows when I'll get to go for my walks again or what I'll be doing for work...since I can only clean so much...

I do think things are getting better. I'm getting used to them, and their getting used to me. Anan-san and I lso bonded over badmition. Because I apparently have some pretty awesome latient skills, however off my depth-perception is.

Well, gotta get to work now. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Heyla, I'm sorry that Akan-san and Oka-san are not embracing you as you would like them to... Are you going to be able to win them over before you leave??? It sounds like your Japanase is improving though, eh? I miss you and miss your emails. Maybe with Dave "closer" you can enjoy it more... I love you so much... Daddy!