Thursday, April 30, 2009

I thought I already did this...

While I'm waiting for either Kat to show up or call or to go to dinner, I figured I might as well actually explain the stuff that's been going on over here.

Seminars over: I don't think I need to explain this one. Finished last Thursday, turned in my last paper on Monday, and that was that. Thank goodness they're over. For serious.

Tutorials: Well, I have my first tutorial on Tuesday, and my second one today (Thursday). They are so different than anything I've really done except for research with Dr. Tessman. I have also learned that I know nothing about comparative politics. I was quite embarassed during that class, but hopefully I'll learn quickly. My International Conflict class on the other hand was quite wonderful, if I do say so myself. I knew more of what I was talking about, and when he prompted me for further answers, I could at least get most of it. Both my tutors are very nice too.

"The guys": Chris, James, John, Joe, and Peter. They're adorable, and we played Risk (well three of them did) and basically they're hilarious.

First club ever: I actually don't remember what it was called...Risa! That's it. It was...icky. My dress got wet, my shoes were sticky, and at one point I almost passed out from claustrophobia. Meh. Hopefully the other ones will be better? I did dance though, which is unusual for me.

Dancesport: Is a lot of fun! I've always wanted to learn how to ballroom dance, and so I went on Monday and learned! I learned the cha-cha, the waltz, and the quickstep. Peter was pretty hilarious, and couldn't remember most of the stuff but he picked up the quickstep well...quickly! So the people asked us if we would perform in the cuppers (the competition here) for the quickstep! I'm nervous and excited.

Anyway, I'm bored with updating that stuff.

Tonight is May Day. Basically, everything is open until 5 or 6 in the morning, at which point you go to Magadlen Bridge and watch the sunrise, and then listen to the choir sing on the tower. Hopefully we'll make it through the night. I sure hope I do at least! And I'll try and post most pictures soon...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Quick Update:

To be explained more later.

Seminars over
First tutorial today
"The guys"
First club ever
Trinity Choir Concert
Cat run over...

I think that's about it!

Monday, April 20, 2009


I cannot believe it's been a week. That tells you that I am actually working my butt off almost all the time. So much so that I cannot help contemplate writing up a "what am I doing over here" thing.

What have I been up too?

Writing papers, reading - the usual. The last Archer paper I did was just confusing. I did so much research and it just confused me more! I think I ended up doing it alright, and it at least sounded good. I suppose I'll get my grade back tomorrow, but who knows. I know a lot of people didn't finish it - mainly the Bradshaw kids. I am so glad I'm not one of them. They just read and read and don't have time for anything else.

Friday though, Kat did talk me into going out. Not all of us went (see Bradshaw comment above), but I went out and met some Keble kids, and had some drinks, and had a pretty good time. We then got kababs and went back to the house. Some people were so drunk. It was pretty amusing. I played Dawgopoly with two of the Keble guys and Zach, one of the guys here. I wanted to play Risk but they scoffed.

Saturday was retail-therapy day and sleeping-in. Especially because we've been staying up until like 4am (7am in Kat's case). We went shopping at Primark and bought lots of stuff! I spent 60 clothes. But I go a lot! I got 2 pashminas, 2 pairs of shoes [one flat, one boot], 2 pairs of pajamas, socks, seamless socks, a loufa, a pencil skirt, a rain jacket, a cami, and linen shorts. It's pretty awesome at Primark. I also bought a bike from one of the grad students for 30 quid, but I have to go have a tube replaced. So that'll be happening tomorrow. Saturday night I didn't go out, though most other people did. I stayed in and watched three movies and went through the grad students leftovers and got like four bottles of liquor. It was pretty good.

Sunday, we all worked. Played some late-night soccer outside on the lawn.

Today I woke up and went straight to the Bodleian and stayed there for close to six hours. I got to go into Duke Humphrey's Library, which is the Harry Potter Library. It was pretty awesome. Sorry though - couldn't get pictures. I did lots of research. Lots of it. Then grabbed a quick bit to eat from a nearby store before walking to the house before dinner. Yes, I ate before dinner. Dinner was alright. It's so much different with all the students here now! They got back on Sunday and dinner has become so loud! It'll be nice to get to know some of them.

I'm trying to figure out what club/athletic I want to join. I could do soccer with Kat. I could do fencing or ballroom dancing. I could just do nothing. But I want to get involved somehow. Especially if lots of others are.

I have a meeting with my tutors tomorrow and Wednesday! I'm so nervous! I hope they don't quiz me on stuff. I only know history right now! I haven't been keeping up on the news, or Chinese - there's just so much stuff that needs to be done!

And most of us are going to have papers due the first meeting with our tutors. And we'll be finishing up our seminar papers. I have one due Wednesday for Archer, and the big one that I've been researching a lot for for Ehlers due Friday at midnight.

It's just paper after paper.

But it's a lot of fun. No joke.

Dave and I are going to be on the same flight back home in August. I'm super happy about that. And now I need to work and not procrastinate via this.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day grades

In both of my classes today, we got back our grades.

I didn't do awfully (B and A-), but I didn't do as well as I would've liked. And the comments weren't bad - which just confused me a little more. I think they're easy enough things to correct though, which bodes well for the future. And they both liked my style/voice which is always a good thing.

And yet, we're already on to the next paper. I'm starting research for Archer's next one tomorrow all-day, hopefully starting to write it as well and coming up with a topic for Ehler's tomorrow as well. Well, I kind of have a topic, but I think I'd like to talk with him more about it. See exactly what primary documents to use.

Had a little drama this evening with Maggie and Caroline getting completely trashed and then bringing Keble kids into the house and my room. That's a big no-no.

Also had a meeting via Skype with my research group, which is progressing well. It was nice to see them again. Also talked with Leilah over HTF things. Gotta do that stuff this weekend. Also need to run to STA Travel, give receipts, and go shopping at Primark. Woo hoo!

Look, the weekend already all gone.

I really wish the kids here weren't so competative/comparative. We should all just be happy with what we get and not have a need to compare. I was happy until people forced me to compare. Then I felt inadaquete and stupid. I know I shouldn't - but once I'm in that mindset, it's hard to come out of it.

But all I can do is give it my best. I work hard and I work hard for the right reasons. All I can give is my all, and if I'm not the best, at least I do it with the most heart. (Yeah, it's my new kind of mantra. I'm trying.)

Money spent today: None - only left the house for lunch and dinner and Archer's class.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Day something : Money

I will update this with more substantial things but right now, I need to keep track of money:

15 quid - dinner (includes tip)
6.30 quid - taxi (need 3 quid back from Ande)

3.80 quid - kebabs


Withdrew 200 quid
16.92 quid - groceries
4.47 quid - groceries

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day Essay : Paragraph one down

I am very glad that I actually managed time somewhat effectively last week. Last weekend I wrote Dr. Archer's paper, and so turned it in on Tuesday. That, along with Dr. Ehlers paper, are due tomorrow. I, however, just began writing Dr. Ehler's paper today (which is the day it was originally due). If I had to worry about two papers, I think I would be blown a gasket.

People aren't sleeping around here. I'm up and one of my roommates is up, both of us working on this paper. It's 4:15am here. I'm just happy I don't have class tomorrow.

I do have all day tomorrow to work on it, but I may have to go to the Bodleian to check out a source, as well, as having to actually edit the paper. I just hit page 5, and it has to be between 8-10 pages long. I think I should make it. The history took the longest part - now I start the analysis of the justification.

It's an odd topic, and I'm not sure I'm doing the paper right. I think I'm going to tell him so. I've just never had to do a paper like this and so I've been constantly confused about what exactly we're supposed to do.

Going to bed soon (I am one of the people around here who actually sleeps), getting up for lunch (which we have to buy ourselves as Keble is on holiday for Easter), and then sitting down to finish writing the essay and editing it. That should take most of the night. But I think I'll get it in before midnight. Unless I like sleep until 5pm or something. That would suck.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day whatever : It really doesn't stop

Last night, I fell asleep talking to Dave. Oops. I didn't even realize how tired I was. It was about quarter to 4, I think, and I had still been reading stuff for my Philip/Elizabeth class so that I could concentrate on the essay for today.

I actually woke up at 10, finished the readings for my Philip/Elizabeth class and then head to lunch. I think we talked about Harry Potter most of the way, during lunch, and then Ande and I did on the way to the post office. I mailed some postcards for much cheaper than I thought it would be. I hope they get to people. I don't have addresses right now, so it was only to people that I knew addresses for. heh.

Ande and I wait outside Christ Church (pictures will be up someday, I promise!) for our class to go on an Elizabethan Tour around Oxford. It was just to Christ Church and St. Mary's Cathedral, but it was nice. Dr. Ehlers kind of snuck us in without having to pay. It was kind of hilarious. He told us about the history of the place, about some bones and such, and Elizabeth giving a speech in the Cathedral. It was very interesting and kind of cool to be like "Elizabeth was right there giving a speech...right there!"

I then when back to the house, where I tried to work. I finished my readings for Archer's class and then I realized of the things that I printed out for Ehler's class was three chapters long...and the syllabus only said to read one chapter! I had wasted the entire morning reading something I didn't even need to read! Gah! I was not very pleased with that, but whatever.

I'm really glad that I did Archer's paper early. If I had to turn that into tomorrow as well, I would be so stressed that I'd be crying. All of tomorrow. I just figured out how exactly I'm going to write Ehler's paper which is due on Friday at midnight, so that's nice. I'm going to outline it tonight kind-of, and probably write the introduction to it as well. I think I'll be able to crank out 8 pages though. The hard part was figuring out how to use the source though for me.

At dinner everyone forgot me so I walked alone and kind of ate alone. I talked to Julian, this Keble guy, for a bit 'cause he knew I was a Georgia kid. He invited me to a party (I think the first one ever, really) but I had to do this paper. Which I haven't really done.

So now I'm going to read through my sources and do that outline! It may not seem like a lot of work, but it is. And time just flies by. I mean...I've never felt time go so fast before!

I'm going to upload some pictures as well to facebook and probably to Picasa for those of you with no facebook.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Day 5 - Day 14? : Sleeping doesn't happen

Why have I not updated you ask? Work.

I knew Oxford was going to be a lot of work, but this is a lot of work. It's all we talk about here. It's hard to talk about anything else. Between classes you're sleeping or reading for your next class, or at dinner you're talking about how much ahead other people are, or just how many sources you're using in your next paper.

It's constant and unrelenting.

It's really nothing you'll find at school. I've been stressed before (as I usually am, actually) but this is intense for only two classes. Then again, in the space of 8 classes, we're doing a semesters worth of learning. Of course it's going to be difficult. You just don't get that til you're here.

I actually deal with stress much better than people here. They get sick and have nose bleeds and take medication. See, Mom, I'm not that bad!

So what have I been up to this past week and almost a half?

Reading, walking, sleeping when I can, eating when I can, some shopping, a mass, more reading, more reading, writing, some beer, and lots of failing Skype.

There really isn't anything much to say, other than how much I'm reading. I feel like if I can actually post everyday, it's going to be like "I read 200 pages today on Philip and Elizabeth, along with writing a paper for..." at least for another two 1/2 weeks.

The grad students don't much like us. They say we work too hard.

The weather's been steadily nice, though apparently it's supposed to rain here bad soon.

Skype sucks.

I miss lunches a lot because I sleep in.

Primark is the cheapest place to buy most anything. I'm going to look for some boots, maybe a purse, and a rainjacket! Already got some undies, and two shirts there for under 5 pounds.

Kat and I are thinking of going to Bath for a day trip on Friday or Saturday. It depends though - we may go to Dover or Brighton instead, who knows!

Also planning on going to the Chatworth House (Pemberely in the new Pride & Prejudice movie) hopefully to see a European equestrian championship there too! How awesome.

Also got tickets to see John Barrowman in concert. It's gorgeous and gay and in Doctor Who/Torchwood. It cost 32 pounds, but will be so worth it.

I have to go finish reading about 200 pages tonight before I can sleep. I should have pictures up as soon as I get some free time to have the patience to upload them!