Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day Essay : Paragraph one down

I am very glad that I actually managed time somewhat effectively last week. Last weekend I wrote Dr. Archer's paper, and so turned it in on Tuesday. That, along with Dr. Ehlers paper, are due tomorrow. I, however, just began writing Dr. Ehler's paper today (which is the day it was originally due). If I had to worry about two papers, I think I would be blown a gasket.

People aren't sleeping around here. I'm up and one of my roommates is up, both of us working on this paper. It's 4:15am here. I'm just happy I don't have class tomorrow.

I do have all day tomorrow to work on it, but I may have to go to the Bodleian to check out a source, as well, as having to actually edit the paper. I just hit page 5, and it has to be between 8-10 pages long. I think I should make it. The history took the longest part - now I start the analysis of the justification.

It's an odd topic, and I'm not sure I'm doing the paper right. I think I'm going to tell him so. I've just never had to do a paper like this and so I've been constantly confused about what exactly we're supposed to do.

Going to bed soon (I am one of the people around here who actually sleeps), getting up for lunch (which we have to buy ourselves as Keble is on holiday for Easter), and then sitting down to finish writing the essay and editing it. That should take most of the night. But I think I'll get it in before midnight. Unless I like sleep until 5pm or something. That would suck.

1 comment:

Meldon said...

I'm proud of you for getting all your work done like that. And for sleeping!

Also, you think you're cool or something? "I might have to go to the Bodleian to check out a source..." Mneh XP