Tuesday, June 24, 2008

At the Airport Hotel

So I figured today would be the probably be the first time to post about my trip to Japan. I've left my Dad's house, all of my stuff I need...the trip has really begun!

I'm nervous. I'm nervous to speak to my hosts, because I'm going to have to call them if I don't make my flight, if I'm running late, or (if everything goes alright) to tell them I'm on my way and how nice it will be to see them shortly.

I'm working on phrases to translate on the plane tomorrow. I have a ton of stuff to do on the plane, at least...you know, learning Japanese and all that stuff.

I'm also nervous about fitting my hiking bag through the check in. I sure hope it fits! It has two weeks of clothes in it. heh. My Dad is coming with me to the gate, so that's very nice. I should've tried to do that with Dave.

Speaking of Dave, he's leaving France tomorrow. Just as he gets back in the States, I leave. How funny is that! But, I think I'll be seeing him soon in Japan, so that will be very nice.

I should try to go to sleep now. Need my sleep to feel alright (and not nervously-sick) for the trip tomorrow. If you read this, wish me luck!

1 comment:

Meldon said...

Good luck with all of your translation and whatnot; looking forward to seeing you, too, love.