Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day 1 : Airplane!

First of all, I am well and sitting in my new room in the Georgia Center in Oxford. It's been a tough day and a good day. And a long day. This post is going to be kind of quick (hopefully) because I am exhausted and want to sleep.

I started packing, of course, Tuesday night. I got almost everything packed, but finished in the morning. Luckily, after reworking stuffs, I got everything in in under 50 lbs on my big suitcase. Yeah, that's right. Mom and I head to the airport (hopefully have everything!) and I am so glad I did the online check-in. I was the only one in my line and just had to give them my bags and get my boarding card. Well, not so easy. The lady checking passports asked me if I had a return flight. I said no, it's a one-way ticket. She then wrote "SSSS" on my passport sticker and I got the same initials on the boarding card. I had to go through super special security.

Mom and I head to lunch - Goodbye American food! - at Chili's. Got currency before that. And then head to the security. Well, in security they didn't give me the extra check like I thought they would. When I get to the gate however, they call me to the desk and tell me something about a hole in my card and TSA having to come down to the gate. So TSA did and performed the pat-down, go through the luggage, etc. right there in front of the front of front of a gaggle of high-school boys on tour and their parents just staring at me as I get patted down. It was a mixture of hilarity, embarassment, and anger. But whatever. Nothing I could do.

Had a nice seat, was calling after I should have turned the phone off (oops!), and met some nice people. Our plane was relatively empty and a lot of people got whole rows to themselves. I got about 2 seats - really 1 1/2. Watched some of Eagle Eye and High School Musical 3. I could not fall asleep though. I turned every which way, exhausted, and could not sleep. I think I slept a bit, but not sure how long. Had breakfast (oh, forgot to mention the wine with dinner...) and landed in Gatwick.

Here's where things get rough.

Immigration took forever. It took about 45 minutes to an hour to go through not even 100 people. Yet the UK/EU side flew through. I mean like 500 people out in 10 minutes. Ridiculous. Go up to baggage claim and try to find my luggage with this other guy who is working hospitals in London and ws on my flight. Now my suitcase is big, pretty big, black, shiny, and hard-cased. When I went to look I didn't see that. I saw my small bag, but not the big one. I kind of freaked out, found the suitcase problem station and the gentlemen told me that it was probably on the Orlando flight coming in after mine. I told him I would wait since I didn't have to be at the Oxford House until 4:00pm and it was only 8:30 or so. I wait...and wait...a good half-hour, maybe more. Finally, I go towards where the Orlando flights baggage is coming in and see the gentlemen moitioning to me. It turns out the crew took my baggage, realized when they were in customs that it wasn't theirs and took it back to the plane where they found it. Or something. Anyway, I got it back.

Leave there. Try to reach Mom on a payphone to no avail (I've been on the ground for almost two hours) and try to find a bus to Oxford. I just miss the 9 o'clock one and have to wait another hour until the 10:15 one. That comes, a lady helps me figure out where to go, etc. and I sleep for an hour on the bus. We arrive in Oxford. Ooooh. Aaah. I'll show pictures later. I get off the bus, manage somehow with my luggage (two suitcases, a duffle bag, and a purse) towards the taxi's across cobblestone. Manage to get into a taxi and he takes me to the center.

Jamie answers the door when I arrive (he worked at the UGA at Oxford Office and is staying here for a week or two) and we chat a bit. Maggie had called me right as I was getting on the plane about being on the charter bus. I knew I wouldn't make it as I was an hour behind them, but they thought I thought I would make it. So Jamie had been calling a lot and Maggie too. I told them no problem, but could I use the phone to call my Mom? Of course. Call Mom. Meet Mrs. Barabara Bradshaw, who is kind of like a house Mother, and is super nice. Get my luggage upstairs.

Can't find my passport.

Go back downstairs, exhausted and trying not to ust out crying, and tell Jamie. He says he'll call the bus company. Go upstairs. Cry. Unpack. Meet two of the three roommates (the other doesn't arrive until 5ish). Unpack some more. Get settled. Nap. I am starving, really, at this point, as I haven't eaten anything since before the plane landed. And my leg is acting funny. I don't think I stood up enough on the plane.

A house meeting, talk, get aquainted, etc. Then dinner! Woo hoo! Talk with Jamie somemore about the passport. Apparently in wasn't on the bus like I thought it would be. But, he said it'll take a couple of days for the police to get it through their system if they have it. I don't see why someone would have stolen it because they didn't take anything else. I think it fell out of my pocket or purse. Hopefully someone found it. Especially because it has my Chinese Visa in it. And I don't have the money to get a new passport AND a new Visa. Jamie says don't worry, getting a new one isn't a problem.

But I like my passport...

A whole bunch of us go to a pub down near City Centre called Turf Tavern where I order my first beer! I just asked the bartender what he liked and he picked the house beer, Turf Tavern Summer Ale. It was alright. I drank it all. Tried some of the others. There was a nice pear cider.

Kat, Andy, Kelsey and I decide to leave as it's 10:00 and head back for sleep. We get lost. End up going this huge roundabout way. But, we do see some beautiful architecture that we didn't before. Oh, I'll take more pictures and put them up here (my battery is dead). Also, as we're walking, this guy suddenly goes "Are you all from Georgia?" It's dark and he's behind us now, but I recognized his voice. It was Deep Shah! He said he recognized me from somewhere, and we chatted a bit. It was seriously conicidental, and also because Oxford isn't in term yet. Pretty cool though!

So here I am. In my a-little-bit chilly room, ready to sleep. It's the best room in the house. Big, even for four girls, with a nice bathroom and a great view. I have plenty of space for my stuff. And the bed's very comfortable. All important stuff.

I have my class schedule. It shifts each week. It's a little weird. I have a lot of reading to do before Tuesday, but we have Sunday and Monday off, so that's nice. Ummm...well, that's it for day 1 . Some tours and such tomorrow. I may call the police and see if they've found anything. I feel so stupid that I lost it. And I should have photocopied the Chinese Visa. I just...I really hope it's found. I definetly learned my lesson though.


Unknown said...

BEER!!! You're drinking BEER!!! :-) Glad they found the passport... Hate for you to be hauled off to the pokey for being drunk in public and not have your passport... :-)

Meldon said...

Heh, your dad paints a pretty funny picture of you being hauled off XD

I was super worried when you said you lost your passport--I'm glad you've found it now.